The best Chat API for apps

Easy integration of the chat service into your apps

 1     UltraCoreSettings.updateSession { [weak self] error in
 2         DispatchQueue.main.async {
 3             guard error == nil else {
 4                 // Display Error
 5                 return
 6             }
 7             self?.navigationController?.pushViewController(
 8                 UltraCoreSettings.entryConversationsViewController(),
 9                 animated: true
10             )    
11         }
12     }
 1         class ChatsActivity : ComponentActivity() {
 2     private val authProvider: UltraAuthProvider by inject()
 3     private val ultraNavigator: UltraNavigator by inject()  
 4     override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
 5          super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)            
 6          setContent {
 7              AppTheme {  
 8                  ultraNavigator.ChatsScreen(       
 9                          isToolbarVisible = true,
10                            emptyContent = {
11                               // empty composable content        
12                            },
13                          onChatClicked = { chatId ->
14                               // navigate to chat detail screen
15                            },
16                          onContactsClicked = {
17                               // navigate to contacts screen
18                          }
19                      )
20                  }
21             }
22             lifecycleScope.launch {
23                 val sessionId: String = //get session id from app server     
24                 authProvider.login(sessionId)
25             }
26         }
27     }

Would you like a copy of your app with a chat service?

Our Products

We offer an environment where your customers can communicate with each other in your application. Text and voice messages, audio and video calls, sending documents, AI assistant – all this in our SDK.

In-app chat messaging

Increase engagement, increase transactions, and improve business results with a feature-rich, customizable, and scalable chat messaging platform for mobile apps.

Audio and video calling

Audio and video SDK, built for massive scale, make high-quality calls easy to integrate into your mobile apps.

AI assistant based on ChatGPT

Let us help you avoid the cost of hiring employees in a call center (tech support). Our assistant instantly answers customer questions about your products.

How the metrics will change

Here are some of the metrics that could skyrocket within 12 months






Frequency of the app visit


Average duration of the session


Retention rate 28 days


Significant actions


User outflow


User inflow

Cost of our products

MAU 5k


  • In-app chat messaging
  • Audio and video calling
  • AI assistant
  • Tech support
Start free trial

MAU 10k


  • In-app chat messaging
  • Audio and video calling
  • AI assistant
  • Tech support
Start free trial

MAU 20k


  • In-app chat messaging
  • Audio and video calling
  • AI assistant
  • Tech support
Start free trial

MAU 30k


  • In-app chat messaging
  • Audio and video calling
  • AI assistant
  • Tech support
Start free trial

MAU 50k


  • In-app chat messaging
  • Audio and video calling
  • AI assistant
  • Tech support
Start free trial

MAU +100k

Talk to sales

  • In-app chat messaging
  • Audio and video calling
  • AI assistant
  • Tech support
Talk to sales

Developers come first

CSG Group’s chat, audio, video SDKs, feature-rich platform, and ready-made UI components make developers more productive. We take care of a ton of operational complexity under the hood, so you can power our products without worrying about features, edge cases, reliability or scale.

The service is built into your Android/iOS app (SDK) and the server part is deployed in your services. CSG does not have access, there are no risks of personal data leakage. Integration time takes 1 month. Check out our developer resources for iOS и Android

 1     UltraCoreSettings.updateSession { [weak self] error in
 2         DispatchQueue.main.async {
 3             guard error == nil else {
 4                 // Display Error
 5                 return
 6             }
 7             self?.navigationController?.pushViewController(
 8                 UltraCoreSettings.entryConversationsViewController(),
 9                 animated: true
10             )    
11         }
12     }
 1     class ChatsActivity : ComponentActivity() {
 3         private val authProvider: UltraAuthProvider by inject()
 4         private val ultraNavigator: UltraNavigator by inject()
 6         override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
 7             super.onCreate(savedInstanceState)            
 8             setContent {
 9                 AppTheme {  
10                     ultraNavigator.ChatsScreen(       
11                         isToolbarVisible = true,
12                           emptyContent = {
13                              // empty composable content        
14                           },
15                         onChatClicked = { chatId ->
16                              // navigate to chat detail screen
17                           },
18                         onContactsClicked = {
19                              // navigate to contacts screen
20                         }
21                     )
22                 }
23             }
24             lifecycleScope.launch {
25                 val sessionId: String = //get session id from app server     
26                 authProvider.login(sessionId)
27             }
28         }
29     }

Get in touch

Our mission at CSG Group is to create connections in the digital world. We believe that digital does not necessarily mean impersonal. These physical boundaries should not create relationship boundaries.

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